I started thinking about when the bible was written and how the person who wrote it wasn't the person who did the talking. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not bible bashing, I am merely pointing out a truth of life.
We could have an event happen in a room full of people and not one person will tell the story the same, because we all have our own unique view of the world. The emotions and energy around us dictates what we have to say and why. It also decides how we interpret something, whether it is a thought, a word or an event.
I also struggle with the idea that I must be 'born again' to live the 'right kind of life' that makes me a good person.
Having had a large taste of religion as I grew up, I cannot believe in a God that is vengeful, angry and thinks I am bad. The God I believe in knows that I am always thinking of others, I am almost always kind, compassionate and caring, that I will put others before me sometimes, that I never intentionally do harm of any kind and that I am doing the best with what I have, what I know and the resources I have at my disposal in this lifetime. He understands that I don't believe I should go to church to be this good. He knows that 'his church' is everywhere - in nature, in others, in situations, wherever I am standing/sitting/be-ing, right here, right now.
...anyway, back to my car musings....
As I was considering the possibility that someone may have interpreted the words in a different way to which they were intended. I pondered on the fact that I have my own beliefs on the whole 'reborn' issue, and what could possibly have been an alternate definition....and then I had an Aha! moment!
We chose to come here on the physical plane. We chose to have a human existence, to learn various lessons, but most of us 'forgot' what we had come here to achieve, thanks to natal amnesia*.
We have various ways of 'remembering', whether it is snippets of deja vu, synchronistic meetings and signs, dreams, readings, the 11:11 shout out to the lightworker and many other variations on a theme. Even books and movies can help to jog our memory about what we need to look at in this lifetime, or what we need to remember from past lifetimes.
What if the message wasn't about being 'reborn? What if it was a wake up call? What if it was a reminder to remember? What if we are meant to awaken our senses, all of them? What if we are meant to rise from our earthly slumber of constantly 'do-ing', so we could awaken and begin 'be-ing'? What if we were meant to remember the strong and powerful person we all truly are?
Wouldn't that be amazing? And wouldn't it make a lot more sense than being reborn? When you think about it, wouldn't living be more about being totally us, immersing ourselves in the total experience of our existence, not just on a physical level, but also on a spiritual level, embracing all of who we are, knowing that we are magnificent?
We don't need to be reborn...but we do need to wake up, to 'awaken' and be who we are meant to be and be sure to love the person that is us, totally and unconditionally.
Quick! Stretch! Yawn! Be Awake!
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx
*We each have a life plan that we created on the etheric plane. However, until more recent times, most of us 'forgot' as we came into the world. This is known as Natal Amnesia.
**If you would like to more about our Life Plans, or The Story of our Life, contact me to purchase my mini ebook 'Life Plans', or to ask about others in the series.**