And so it is with many things in our lives, especially our backs. We store a lot of emotion in our backs, the times we have been hurt, abandoned, scared, all the negative stuff we don't want to face, or let go, we tuck away nice and close to our spine. We carry our worries and burdens on our shoulders, sometimes taking other people's burdens and carrying them as well. We store our stress in our neck and head, sometimes over-weighting it with thoughts that just don't make sense, or are distorted according to the emotion we are currently allowing to peer out from behind our spine.
...and with all that, we never say, 'OMG, (o my goodness), I wonder if my body will collapse today', or, 'perhaps I should offload or release some of this past stuff in case the burden is too much to bear for me.
So tonight I'd like us all to look at the burdens, emotions, hurts, thoughts we carry around, those things that weight us down and see if we can't offload a couple (at least) and make our load a little lighter.
...and then lets show some gratitude for the wonderful job our bodies do....They not only do all things physical for us, they also carry our emotional 'weight', even when we aren't even aware how heavy that baggage is.
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx
PS. And lets be grateful for the designers and builders of this world who make all things possible.