All too often we think of missed opportunities as something someone has 'taken' from us or we have 'lost' or 'missed out'. When we wrote our life plan on the etheric plane, we chose our opportunities, our disappointments, our obstacles, our relationships and our backup plans. We chose our parents because we knew they would teach us what we needed to know to begin taking the steps to fulfill the lessons we would learn during our life journey.
We chose our friends, the situations and events that would shape us, as we learnt more about ourselves and life in general. We chose our bodies, those divine vessels that transport the magnificent perfect being that is us. We did this deliberately because even our body shape has something to teach us, whether it's acceptance, self love or that we are 'more than' the outer layer.
We chose our opportunities - we even chose backup plans for each one. If we weren't ready to attempt something new or accept the opportunity, it wouldn't be lost forever, there would just be a different way to 'get there'. No one can 'steal' these from us, because they were designed with us in mind - by us!
We chose where we would live, how we would live and what that would teach us. We picked our playmates, our family, our friends, we even chose the people we would work with or meet briefly.
We also chose our spirit guides for this life, the ones that would be here to help us always, those that would help us briefly and those that would assist during traumas or life changing experiences.
This doesn't mean that everything we do here on the physical plane is pre-determined. Each time we are challenged or at a crossroads, we choose what happens next. We decide whether to step forward, to step away or to step off in another direction.
An example of this is how I met my husband, Butch. We were born in the same hospital, five days apart. (in those days mothers stayed in hospital about 10 days before going home) Our parents didn't meet. We lived two roads away from each other, but never noticed each other. We almost went to the same school - but my family moved overseas. We found out years later we even had a mutual friend. It wasn't until we were in our 20's we officially met and fell in love.
So you see, if we had met earlier, there would have been a different scenario as a result.
So, when it feels like life is difficult and everyone else seems to be getting all the breaks, remember that you chose the where, when and what of your opportunities. There will be many to choose from and you will choose what is right for you at the right time. And if you choose not to, there will be a backup plan. And if you don't like that one, another choice or backup plan will come along when you are ready.
Our life journey is like a movie or a book, we set the scenes on the etheric, but we live the adventure on the physical! We are the main character, the director, the screenwriter and the producer. We decide how our life here unfolds, moment to moment! How awesome is that?
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx