The problem is that we sometimes create an expectation and feel that everyone and everything should follow through with our wishes or visualisation.
We meet someone and form an expectation of who they should be and how they
should act, but we cannot influence others to be anyone other than themselves.
We might think we can, but unless that person is willing, ready or even believes
they need to change, nothing will ever come of it. Part of our mission on this physical plane is to love everyone as they are right now and not expect we can change them to suit our expectations.
If we can't love someone wholly and generously, then we can focus on a part of
them we do love, whether it's their smile, their compassion or the way they make
us feel when we are around them.
How boring would it be if we were all the same, if we all looked the same, acted the same and talked about the same things? ....yawn....
We decide to follow our dream and sometimes everything doesn't fall into place or flow as evenly and calmly as we would have hoped. We sometimes give up hope when events on the way don't meet our expectations.
If the road to wherever we wanted to go was paved with golden experiences, where would be the challenge? How would we know if we really wanted what we were working towards if it just fell into our lap? Would we just take it for granted because it was too easy? Would we appreciate it if we didn't have to strive and persist to get to our desired destination?
Sometimes the Universe places challenges along the way to 'test' us, to ensure this is something we definitely want to do. Sometimes there are many tests, especially if we are only 'sorta' following the path and not committing ourselves wholeheartedly. (When it happens to me, I can hear the Universe asking 'So, how much do you want this, Cherie?' It's then I realise I have dawdled or wandered off the path I chose to follow and I correct my direction and pace)
When we get caught up in 'expectation', we miss the magic and magnificence of those we meet and we fail to see the surprise and synchronicity along the road to our dreams.
Expectations create a tiny box that no one and nothing can fit into. Sometimes when we try to create the shape and size of others, events, situations or the outcomes we seek, we miss the opportunity to experience the freedom of allowing them to be incredible and as exciting as they can possibly be!
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx