Grandma had a large family – 7 children, 37 grandchildren, approx 50 great grandchildren and around 14 great great grandchildren, so as you can imagine there were a few of us.
It was a few days before we realised she had ‘called in’ her grandchildren, and a lot of us answered the call - some from close by and others from overseas.
There was a constant stream of family popping in to see Grandma, kissing her, talking to her and letting her know how much they loved her. It was beautiful. I cannot begin to explain the energy of Grandma’s house. It was positive, it was uplifting and it was love! Those who could play instruments did, those who could sing, sang (even those like me, who couldn’t, sang anyway)
One night, as the family ‘orchestra’ and ‘choir’ were playing, I was sitting beside Grandma, holding her hand, and singing along to some of the old favourites from my childhood. Big family dinners and sing-a-longs used to be a common occurrence in Grandma’s house. A younger cousin sat down and asked me if I believed Grandma could hear us talking to her. Grandma had been using a hearing aid for many years, but it had been misplaced somewhere between the hospital and home.
I explained that although Grandma couldn’t hear on a physical level, she could ‘hear’ on a soul-ular level. I then smiled, adding that it was just as well her hearing aids had been lost, so she couldn’t hear me singing. My cousin said ‘Oh, it can’t be that bad!’
I pointed at the front window, saying ‘See that crack in the window? I did that!’
Grandma, opened her eyes, lifted her head off the pillow slightly and said ‘That window has always been like that!’
To say my cousin almost fell off her chair would be an understatement!
(when I lived on Norfolk, many years ago, that window had been cracked…)
Days were spent with the daytime angels either lying or sitting beside Grandma, talking to her, gently and lovingly massaging her hands, legs and feet, chatting amongst ourselves or singing. We took turns keeping her company, ensuring she was comfortable and happy, helped with household duties and keeping other family members up to date with her progress. There was a bed set up on each side of hers, so we could lie next to her as she and we rested. When visitors arrived, we pushed the beds against the walls and pulled up chairs.
Early evening, the ‘food angels’ would come, bearing the most amazing dinners. For over a week, I forgot how to cook, as meals, cakes and cups of tea were continually appearing. We had plenty of fruit as well, especially watermelon, which fast became a family joke, as we tried to fob off the surplus to anyone who stated they were peckish.
The ‘music angels’ would begin playing music or singing as the ‘dishes angels’ worked their magic. We all knew our strengths and fit together like a much loved jigsaw puzzle. If one of us was uncomfortable doing one chore, someone else would step into it.
The ‘night angel’ shift comprised of the ‘day angels’ who didn’t have family to take care of and those who worked during the day. We all slept in her room, on mattresses or on the beds/chairs.
Most of the time there were two of us in the room with her, although sometimes we organised for our own ‘special time’ alone with Grandma. When a family member arrived, there was no ego or selfishness, we would all step away to allow them to ‘have their time’ with her. In fact, when someone walked in the first thing that was said after hello, was usually ‘Do you want to sit here?’ We all wanted to be around Grandma, but we all respected and loved each other enough to share.
When Grandma was restless, I would give her reiki. I didn’t do it in a ‘Stand back, I’m a powerful healer’ way. Instead, I would subtly step up to the bed and hold the front of her ankles, which is an awesome entry point for reiki energy. Almost instantly and visibly, she would begin to relax.
As time went by, other family members didn’t find it so strange that the room was so warm, or that I would hold her hand and ankles. In fact I encouraged some of my cousins to learn how to give her reiki too. Mind you, I am of the belief that we all have energy healing power within each and every one of us, but sometimes we need the extra push, that validation or just to experience it firsthand before we will believe it to be so.
I gave them a very basic first lesson and we practised on Grandma and a few cousins, with very positive effects.
As we laughed, joked and talked through our sessions, the mystery and strangeness of reiki disappeared and others showed an interest in what we were doing.
Grandma loved the reiki and we could almost hear her body ‘sigh’ as we sent loving energy her way – not to heal her, but to help her on her transitional journey.
I have always believed that the higher the vibration or energy field around you, the easier it is for our guides, angel and spirit family to make contact. As they have to lower their vibration so we can be aware of them, which can be extremely tiring for them, which is why, quite often, the visits are brief. The energy field around Grandma’s was so incredible, with all this love energy, music and singing, I believe it was a lot easier for our spirit family to visit, and stay a while.
As a psychic, I was aware of the masses of spirits who had come to see Grandma. There was a line out the door and quite often they were three deep in the room. I remember one day standing at the top of Grandma’s bed giving her reiki as a lot of her spirit family filed into the room. As each person appeared in the doorway, I felt such a beautiful feeling of love, respect and anticipation. They were ready to take her ‘home’, when she was ready to leave. As I recognised those familiar faces, the tears welled up in my eyes and coursed down my face. It was like a beautiful reunion and I felt so honoured to be able to see those loved ones I hadn’t seen for so long.
I’ll write more in my next blog.
With love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx