When I arrived, my usual book stall wasn't there. I was a bit disappointed, but walked around looking at what else was available. There were other book stalls, but they just didn't have the books I was looking for, and I look forward to catching up with the lady who usually sells me books. I wandered aimlessly for a while, wondering why I was there. Surely there was a reason why I had felt such a dramatic pull this morning, in fact all week? As I walked along I asked my guides 'So, if I'm not here to buy books, why am I here?'
I paused to look at some crystals that were on display and was enjoying the energy of picking them up and holding them, when a young lady came up and stood next to me. She picked up a pendulum and began playing with it. I asked her 'So, did the pendulum tell you it was yours?' She looked up, surprised and asked me why I had said that.
I explained that crystals and pendulums 'choose' us. They call out to us, so we cannot resist picking them up and trying them out.
And so began an impromptu lesson on crystals and pendulums. When we had finished playing with the pendulum (the stall owner she was otherwise engaged doing a reading), she grabbed my arm and said 'I think I was meant to run into you today.'
I smiled, finally understanding the true synchronicity of this meeting, and my visit to the markets. I won't go into any details, but she needed some guidance and hadn't known where to turn. We sat on the garden wall and, with the help of my guides, I gave her some insight, inspiration and advice.
After we had said goodbye, I walked back to my car, realising there is no such thing as a wasted trip or a waste of time....as long as we remain open to what could happen.
Sometimes we get so caught up in what isn't going right for us, or that things haven't gone the way we planned, we forget to allow the Universe to offer some input.... We sometimes need to allow always for synchronicity, chance and magic, even if it takes us away from what we thought we were about to do!
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx