Whenever she has done anything, whether its a drawing, picking up stuff or bringing something to me, she always ends it with 'Ta Dah!' or 'I did it myself' I smile as she says it, and wonder when I stopped saying 'Ta Dah!', actually, I wonder when we all stopped saying it.
When did we stop thinking everything we did was amazing and incredibly clever? When did we stop telling everyone, including ourselves how truly awesome we really are?
There is such joy, excitement and pride in those two words 'Ta Dah!' There is much confidence, self love and belief in that phrase...and some of us have forgotten how powerful those two words can be.
So, I'm going to ask you to use those two words for a couple of days. Every time you do or complete an activity, whether it's using a remote, doing the dishes, getting dressed, making a cuppa, driving somewhere...well, you get the general idea.... I want you to say/think/feel those two words 'Ta Dah!'
Everything we do is amazing, but all too often we have been doing it for so long, we take it for granted, we take 'us' for granted. For the next few days, awaken the awesomeness in you and celebrate it totally and completely.
~ end of post ~ Ta Dah!!! xx