As I've mentioned before, it isn't until after the third similar sign or message that I usually have an Aha! moment, (much to the irritation of my guides and angels, I'm sure!)
So, the other week I noticed a pattern forming. The first sign I had was as I was walking through someone's lounge and Big Bang Theory was on. (I love this comedy). They were talking about psychics and how Sheldon couldn't believe he was dating a girl who believed in psychics.
The next day I overheard a conversation,while at work, about psychics and lets face it, it wasn't the most complimentary debate.
That night I was getting my hair done and, although the radio was on the whole tim,e it wasn't until they began pooh-poohing psychics that I took any notice.
That weekend I was talking to my good friend Karen about the synchronicity of these three, obviously connected, signs. I asked her what she thought it was all about, and if there was a message I might need to take notice of.
She thought for a few seconds and asked 'When you introduce yourself to people and they ask what you do, what do you reply?'
I smiled and said 'I work part time at a bank'
She said 'So, do you tell them what else you do?'
'Umm, well I might tell them I am a massage therapist, reiki practitioner, an author or teacher...'
'Do you say you're a psychic?' When I shook my head, she asked 'Why do you think that is? And why do you say you work at a bank when it's only part-time and everything else you do is part of who you are?' (you can always rely on Karen to cut to the chase)
'Ahh, well, umm, I....guess it's because there is less fear and less judgement...and less pressure'
Actually when I tell some people I'm a psychic, for some reason I can't fathom, they instantly believe I can read their minds. I watch as they struggle not to 'think' anything with this whole conversation going on in their head 'I mustn't think...I mustn't think..I wonder how long it will take before she stops looking into my head, oh crap, I did it, I just thought of something...now she knows what I thought...stop thinking...stop thinking...!'
The mischief side of me watches and desperately wants to say 'I bet I know what you're thinking...!'
Of course there's also those that say 'Well, what do you get from me? Who's around me? What does my guide look like? What does the future hold for me?'
Anyway, back to my original story...
I am who I am. Being psychic or a healer is all part of what makes me who I am, so why didn't I say 'Hi, I'm Cherie, I'm a psychic, an author and a healer, oh and I work part time at a bank...'
A part of me understands why I didn't, but another part doesn't. I need to change the way I view myself, or lets face it, the messages and signals will just get bigger and more obvious. Its time to 'own me' and honour who I truly am. Since then I have made a concerted effort to be true to my gifts, instead of only taking them out when it suits. It has been surprising to discover that, the majority have been extremely receptive and willing to talk (and think) about their own experiences that they too had kept hidden away.
So, my question to you is, what parts of you are you keeping hidden? What hidden parts of you need to be acknowledged and honoured? Is it time you celebrated all of who you are as well?
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx