Sometimes the 'visitor' is extremely helpful, whispering advice, or placing their hands on mine to place more power in my client's energy field. I have had my hand pushed slightly, pushed down and even had arms wrapped around me as I do a reiki healing. I love it! It's so wonderful to know their spirit family, or angels are doing the best they can for the person on my table. I am always grateful for any help from our Spirit frends and family.
Unless I know my client wants to hear about the spiritual side of healing, I say nothing. My belief is my belief and it is not my right to force it on anyone else.
I have never had a negative experience while doing my treatments, I know that anyone in the room with us is only here for our highest good. End of story!
I did have a giggle the other day as I was giving a lady a massage in her own home. I 'heard' someone come in and they stood slightly behind me. I knew it was a male energy, and he had a message for the woman on my table. I was filling in for another therapist, so I didn't know much about her or what her beliefs were. I 'talked' (with my thoughts) to the spirit as I worked. 'I'm sorry, but I can't give any messages to Anna. I don't know how she will take it and I don't want to frighten or upset her.'
He wasn't angry, but he was a little peeved, and I swear he stamped his feet at me! All of a sudden there was a sound in the ceiling above me. It started as a cracking sound, then as it spread, I imagined it was similar to a sheet of ice as it cracks and splinters. It sounded so real and loud I was almost too scared to look up in case it was about to fall down around my ears.
Anna looked up suddenly and said 'What the hell was that? I've never heard that before.' We both looked up, but there was no trace of anything wrong with the ceiling.
I smiled and said nothing as I carried on massaging, but I had a chuckle as I realised I had seen my first Spirit tantrum!
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx