So, anyway, a group of us decided to go on a road trip to the Gold Coast to see a highly recommended psychic. It was all going to be very exciting. We were going to stay the night there in a flash hotel, drinking strawberry daiquiris and chilling.
When it was my turn to have a reading one of the first questions I was asked was how long Butch and I had been together. (I have a feeling the first question, which should have got my antenna twitching was whether I was happily married, and I replied 'Well, I would be, but he's no longer here!')
I told her we'd been together just over 25 years, and she said 'Oh no, only 12 years.' I told her, 'No, we had definitely been together for over 25 years.'
She looked me in the eye and said 'Yes, but he didn't love you for the last 13!'
Well, I was shaken to the core. I was already depressed, this helped me sink to an all time low. I couldn't ask Butch to confirm or deny, and although she spoke for the best part of an hour, I didn't hear a word she said. All I could do was sit there, stunned, wondering if what she said could possibly be true.
I made light of it when we left, but within the hour, I had become really ill. Every part of me ached, I couldn't stop coughing and sneezing. I wanted to vomit so badly, I didn't think I would make it to the hotel.
We had all had 'interesting' readings, as I found out later, but in my weakened and grieving state, I was susceptible to the words she spoke. I won't go into my emotional, mental and physical state, but I can assure you it was very difficult to do anything except cry (or try not to, in front of anyone else).
This reading had a huge profound effect on me. I felt as if the rug had been pulled out from underneath me and that I had been living a lie for the last 13 years. I inspected every memory from the past and looked for clues or hints that would confirm what the psychic had said.
I became more insular and hid away from everyone, using my subsequent illness as an excuse. I actually felt ashamed, believing the truth had been staring me in the face and I had never noticed it. It took six months before I could even tell my Mum and daughter about what she had said. They both told me that it was a 'crock of shit', because anyone who knew us, knew how amazingly in love we were and how wonderful our love and relationship was....and you know what? Deep down inside, I knew that!
In time, I realised that what my family said was true, that this woman had not spoken my truth, or Butch's. I learned a valuable lesson from this, I learned that words have the power to maim, and sometimes kill. I also learned how not to do a reading. I learned never to allow my emotions to affect what I had to say to anyone, in a reading or in my day to day life.
Now you're probably wondering why I am sharing this story with you. Well, this morning, as I was about to leave for work, a strange thing happened. I tried to turn off my stereo, but the remote wouldn't work. I changed the batteries, still it wouldn't work. I listened to the words of the song, because I knew then that I was receiving a message. The song was 'True Love' and I stood there in my lounge listening to the last half, pushing the 'off' button. The song almost finished, and the radio station changed by itself and another song with a poignant message was playing. I found I could increase or reduce the volume using the remote, I could change the setting to dvd/cd, etc, but I couldn't change anything else (because you just know I had to try...!). The second song finished and my stereo switched off. Message complete.
As I stood there, I could feel Butch's presence and arms around me, pretty much like in the picture above. What a beautiful way to start my day.....even if my eyes seemed to have developed a leak!
Our loved ones send us messages all the time, in so many ways. Sometimes we need to be open to what they are trying to say. I can't remember the title of the second song, but the words finally put to rights what this woman had incorrectly told me a couple of years back. If only I had taken more notice then and trusted in what I believed to be true...
If someone does a reading for you, always, always ensure that it resonates. Don't just believe they have the answers just because they can talk to Spirit!
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx