Sometimes its the energy from those around us, sometimes, its the things, sometimes its the situation, sometimes its the energy in the area we live, or even the world as international events bombard us from TV, internet and radio.
Its important we learn how to help ourselves, how to protect ourselves and how to ensure we retain our energy, rather than allowing others to siphon or 'steal' it from us.
Its not difficult, it doesn't take long and it doesn't have to cost a cent, and the benefits are feeling energised, happy and balanced.
1. In the morning, when you get out of bed, imagine you are stepping into a bubble of protection. Acknowledge it and go about your day. Remember to take it off at night, so you are conscious of being in your bubble. You don't have to continually think about it. It is just 'there'...you don't think about breathing or air all day, but it's there, right? If you do think about it, just smile and be grateful for the protection you are enveloped in.....
2. Imagine mirrors all around you, slightly tilted upward. Imagine that any negative energy coming toward you is reflected upward to the ethers, where it is cleansed, purified and returned all clean and positive.
3. Wearing crystals on your person (bra, pocket, handbag), especially onyx, tigers eye, tourmaline and smoky quartz is also a great way to protect your energy fields
4. If you are around computers or work in a negative environment, place a smoky quartz, rose quartz, fluorite or obsidian on your desk/behind the computer. They will absorb the negativity and raise the vibration of the environment.
5. If you have trouble remembering to do any of these and you have to go in the car each day, put a piece of paper/cardboard on your dashboard to remind you to surround yourself with white light. Each time you get in the car, you will see it and consciously 'switch on' the white light. Imagine flicking on the switch as you turn the key or do up your seat belt.
6. If you have time sit or stand and imagine a beautiful pillar of light coming down into your crown chakra. Imagine it filling you completely with the white light of love, flowing out through the soles of your feet and coming up and around you to create your bubble of white light.
7. If you forgot to protect yourself beforehand and you are feeling low on energy, drained or just plain exhausted, it is a good idea to cut the energy cords between you and work, the situation or the person/s involved. Stand up and bring your hands up quickly to clap just above your crown chakra. This is an awesome way to dispel negativity around you. If I have had a rough day, I do this before bed, so I am free of the trials and tribulations of my day.
8. If you feel that the energy around you is more of a psychic drain/attack than an energy seepage then wearing, carrying or sleeping with fluorite by your bed is a great way to dispel it.
9. If you are finding the energy in your home draining, place small bunches of rosemary with pink flowers around. This will raise the vibration and help dispel the negative energy. (this is also really great if you are wanting to sell your house)
10. Saved the easiest one for last....centre yourself by slow, steady breathing. Imagine yourself filling up with pure white light and exhaling any old or negative energy. See it filling you completely and extending out in a bubble around you.
Remember intent is everything. If you forget your crystals, then think to yourself 'My intent is that I have my crystal with me today'. If you forgot to 'protect' yourself, don't get stressed, just state your intent. 'I am protected by my bubble/a circle of mirrors. '
You will forget every now and then when you first start, but after a while, it will be as easy as kneeling on the ground to slip on your shoes and knowing that the bubble just slid over as you stood up!
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx