Karma is not a punishment eked out by anyone else. It is the belief system of the record keeper that dictates the severity and tenure of our karma. Karma isn't automatic punishment for anything we have ever done. Karma is brought about by our belief that we have done something wrong. Either we believe we should be punished or we don't...
This is why, some people, who have done horrendous things to other people, don't experience karma. They believe they were acting in their best interests and that their actions were justifiable - end of story. It also explains why some people lead charmed lives regardless of their actions, but then begin experiencing misfortune (read: karma) after they develop a conscience or feel responsible.
Sure, we can bring that belief of requiring punishment back in with us, as a cellular or soulular memory, into a following life, but thats all it is, a belief.
As long as we believe we need to be punished, or that we don't deserve a great life, we attract exactly what you are asking for.
To me, its not about serving time or being punished, it is about saying 'That was then, this is now. I am not the same person. I am not accountable for past life deeds and actions'
I am not 'dissing' anyone elses' beliefs or opinion, I am merely stating that my belief system is this, and it is up to everyone to decide what they believe.
We are not here to be judged. We are never found 'wanting'. We have certain lessons we have learnt in each lifetime. We chose them. Some were easy, some were kind, some where self serving, some were lovely, some were cruel, some were sad, and some were extremely difficult.
There is no 'wrong' to be had, because we chose what experiences we would have, and the ones we would share with others. I know that's difficult to believe when we look at some of the terrible things people do to each other, but for us to learn all the many aspects of the physical plane, we have had to experience the good with the bad. This helps us to see all sides of everyone, the light as well as the shadow. It helps us to accept everyone for who they are without question, without judgement.
However, what we believe in, is what decides or dictates whether karma happens or not....
If we all lived in a way that we accept responsibility for our actions, respect all things and remain aware of what we are doing, not just to others, but also to ourselves, then words like karma would not exist. As record keepers, we would be redundant.
So before you start feeling you are being punished for something you don't recall, perhaps you need to remember this:
You are not a bad person, you never have been. You have just been fulfilling the lessons you chose in each lifetime. There is no blame...only learning!
If you want a way to help you 'let go' of this belief, tomorrow is full moon. Write a 'letter ' releasing yourself from any blame or consequence' and burn it when you are done.
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx