I remember the first time someone told me that the inner voice was my ego, I was shocked. How can that be, I asked? I always thought ego was about 'feeling good about yourself' or maybe thinking you were 'too good for everyone else', while at that stage, my one was more focused on tearing me down and ripping me apart. Well, apparently our egos swing both ways...
We need to remember that we give our ego the power it needs to be positive or negative. We choose whether it helps us to feel good about ourselves, no one else can do it for us.
Over time, not only does our negative voice 'rule our world', but it affects everything we do. It filters into our energetic field, making it difficult for us to see how amazing and magnificent we are. It prevents us from seeing how far we have travelled and how much we have overcome within our life. It keeps us in a place of 'limited-ness'. Eventually, this can begin to affect our health and we can experience symptoms like lower back pain, hearing/ear issues, stomach and chest issues. After all anything we direct our attention to, becomes a part of our energy and starts to attract more of the same incidents and people or find ways to prove that voice in our head right. ...and we choose that. We allow it to happen, by either not disputing it, or just allowing it to be the loudest voice in our lives (and head).
So, every time, that little negative voice says something about us, whenever it takes a 'swing' at us from a negative viewpoint, when we hear it say something that tears us down instead of building us up, we need to 'cancel that'.
For example, lets say I dropped something special and broke it. Instead of agreeing with the voice in my head telling me 'I'm stupid, I can't believe I was so careless', I need to say 'Cancel That!'
As I say that I am dismissing that negative thought from my headspace and from my energetic field.
I would then say something positive and uplifting about myself or the situation and if I couldn't do that, I could at least forgive myself for making a mistake, or for simply being human. 'It's okay to feel bad about dropping something. I am allowed to make mistakes. I have so many great qualities, this is only one little mistake.'
Generally, as I say 'Cancel That!', I click my fingers. I do this for two reasons, one to reinforce what I am saying and encourage my mind to be aware that I am creating change, but also, so that if I am out and won't have the opportunity to say 'Cancel That!', at least I can snap my fingers and know exactly what I am doing.
We should be building ourselves us, not tearing ourselves down. We are amazing and unique. We each have chosen to be here, right here, right now, doing whatever it is we are doing. That voice in our head is supposed to be our best friend, not our worst enemy. If that nasty voice was our best friend, we would have ditched it a long time ago.
It's time it either shaped up and did what it was meant to do, or it simply moved out!
Ask yourself, would I talk to my best friend like that? If the answer is no, then it's time to 'cancel' the voice in your head's subscription!
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx
PS. Remember it took years for that voice to 'develop'. Don't give up when you find retraining it takes some time. Persistence pays off!