You would not believe the amount of times I have sat on the edge, up high, or been where there was no water and suddenly, out of nowhere, a wave comes flying up and drenches my lower half (at least!) It has been known to chase me up the beach where everywhere else is calm! I even have bemused and wet witnesses to back me up on that one - they refuse to stand next to me! Whenever, and I mean whenever I go to the beach, I always come back saturated..and today was no exception. The tide was full, so I thought I'd sit on the wall on the edge - after all it couldn't come up any higher, I reasoned. I could see it was already on its way out. I'd be safe this time. Even if I pointed my toes, I couldn't touch the water, so I sat there watching the hypnotic ebb and flow of the waves below my feet. The first big wave kissed my toes and I laughed and said 'Hah! You're gonna have to work a lot harder than that!' (I forgot to mention I usually end up saying something silly like that) About five minutes later, I was in 'the zone', watching the horizon when a huge wave 'got me'! Once again I'd been on the receiving end of a watery embrace! I was laughing delightedly to myself and saying 'Ok, you win this time, but next time, you better have your game on....' (next time I'll sit well away from the water, like across the road!)
The relationship I have with the sea is a lot like the one we have with the Universe. When something goes wrong, and then something else, we say silly things like 'What else could possibly go wrong?' or 'It couldn't get any worse!' The Universe is Positive, it doesn't recognise the negatives within our statements. It hears 'Go wrong!' or 'Get worse!' and grants our wish as soon as possible. After all, it can tell by the tone of our voice that we really really need it, right now!
We need to watch what we are focusing on within our lives, for wherever our attention is directed is where the Universe will be working for us. If we celebrating the positives then we are encouraging the Universe to help us build on them, so it makes sense that if we are looking in the other direction, we end up with more of that too.
Where are your thoughts facing today? Are they encouraging more positivity into your life, or are you asking for more of that other stuff? We are powerful manifestors, lets watch what we are attracting and creating.......worth thinking about, don't you think?
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx