I assured her they were working fine now, she didn't need to work on them, she merely needed to acknowledge what the issue was. I said it was up to her whether her chakras went back to the way they were before the session or not.
We have different reasons why our chakras get unbalanced and stay that way.
For example, someone who has emotional and personal power issues with their throat chakra, may find that emotions prevent them from speaking their truth and stepping into their own power. This could be due to a on old pattern or an outdated belief system. Imagine it as an old movie reel that kicks in anytime we want to respond to someone or state our opinion. It automatically begins running when we are faced with stating our truth or opinion.
Now my client knows there is an issue there, she can choose to pause before she reacts or speaks and ask herself, 'Do I want to run the old tape, I have been running
forever, or do I want to start using a new blu ray disc to change and move forward.
The choice is always ours, we decide how we act or react and whether we want to change the ways in which we do. We have the power to change, no one can do it for us. Self love and awareness are the first step!
with love, respect and integrity,
Cherie xx