I told her I thought someone was letting her know they were there, or...they could be telling her she wasn't letting someone or something into her life!
As I replied to her message, I couldn't help thinking about the time in my life when I had shut out the rest of the world. (earlier post) I didn't go out, no one visited, except family and a couple of close friends, because 'it just wasn't convenient right now'. Even when I did go out, I'd wear earphones, with the cord tucked into my bra so everyone would think I was listening to music and not try to make conversation with me.
And then strange things began to happen...some of my doors started jamming. After a while I had five doors that wouldn't shut properly. It drove me crazy for about three months until I eventually had to call in a handyman to fix them.
That was fine for a little while, all my doors opened and shut smoothly...then the Universe decided I needed another gentle reminder...
Each day and night I would check the locks on my doors, and every time I did, I would find the doors open. The first time it happened I thought I'd forgotten to shut the front door properly. The second time I freaked out and searched the house in case there was an intruder. (I'm not sure what I would have done if there had actually been one!)
The next time it happened I realised the door was still locked, even though it was wide open. There was no way it could have opened with the lock still intact! I knew I had made a point of checking the lock each time, pulling with all my weight on the door to test it.
Eventually the answer came to me...I wasn't meant to live the rest of my life hidden away. I wasn't meant to stay in the dark or isolated from the world. I had things to do and Spirit was telling me 'Either go out or let others come in!'
Although it was scary at the time, and extremely daunting, I am glad Spirit was so persistent. I can't imagine where I would be right now without their helping hand!
So, next time there are strange happenings in your house or within your life, ask yourself 'Am I getting a nudge?' 'Is there something I need to do?' or 'What is the message I am meant to be getting here?'
You might be surprised with the results.
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx