From an early age, we are told what not to do, who we are and what we should do. Although this is an incredibly great excuse not to move forward or change, once we have left home or become adults we can't really use those excuses any more.
Although our parents, teachers and extended family may have originally shaped and instilled into us beliefs that don't serve our highest good, we need to take responsibility for our actions now we are all 'growed up'.
I remember hearing about a survey that said most criminals in jail in 1995 were bottlefed as babies, which statistically, presumed that if you were bottlefed, due to circumstances beyond your control, you were going to have a criminal record. This just sounds like a handy excuse to bring out when you need it - like playing poker with an ace up your sleeve!
Belief systems are just that, they are things you believe about yourself, but are they your truth? No, they aren't. All too often we absorb other's belief systems and perceptions. We believe we aren't pretty enough, we aren't clever enough, brave enough, talented enough.....but how do we know unless we believe in ourselves enough to try?
I've been told I have an attitude problem by many, but I believe that is their issue, not mine. I like my attitude fine, in fact I love it, wholeheartedly and unconditionally! I don't like being told what to do or what is best for me - unless I ask for advice.
Whenever someone tells me I can't do anything, I have this need to prove them wrong. In fact most of what I have achieved in my life is due to what I call my 'push me, pull you' factor. I remember when I was in my twenties I showed an interest in screenprinting and was told 'You couldn't possibly do it, you're not creative enough' (think of a red flag to a bull and you will get an idea of my instant reaction to this kind of comment!) I bought a book and within 3 months, I was selling my screenprinted works of art!
So, when someone tells you that you can't do something, how do you react? Do you say 'You're right'?, Do you think 'I shouldn't have told you about my dream, because now it's shattered? or do you believe in yourself enough to at least give it a try?
Does anyone ever really know what we are capable of? Can they see every aspect of us, every talent, skill and ability we have? Of course not! So why do we allow others to 'rain on our parade', to keep us reined in with their own self-limiting beliefs? We are much more than even we are aware of, but until we try to stretch those limiting boundaries and belief systems, we never get to see the 'all' we are capable of.
And if it doesn't work, if we decide it wasn't for us after all, that's okay. It's not about failure, it's about feedback during our life journey. Screenprinting wasn't what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, but what I learnt has proved invaluable within other aspects of my life.
When you next want to try something, for goodness sake, try it! You lose nothing by trying and you gain so much, even if you can't see it at the time. If someone tells you that you can't do something or you shouldn't, and you know with all your being you want to follow that course or dream, then shake off that 'push me, pull you attitude' that resides in every one of us and prove you can - not for them, but for you.
Acknowledge all that you are, all you can be and be proud of everything you do. You're amazing! Live it! Breathe it! Be it!
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx