I asked her if she wanted to search for her friends, or add anyone that she knew was already on Facebook. No, she just wanted interested in that. She just wanted to use it to 'see' what was happening in the world of facebook, without being involved, or updating her status.
A couple of days ago, I received a call from Mary. She was extremely upset, so I went around to see if I could help in any way.
When I got there, Mary was sitting in front of her computer, tapping furiously, with a huge black cloud of anger hovering over her.
Mary explained that she had forgotten her password to access her facebook account. She knew she had written it somewhere, but she couldn't find it and had absolutely no idea what it might be.
We tried using the email address and various other options to try and log in to her account with no success.
As a last resort, we tried a different way, and facebook asked us to type in a current friend's full name attached to instead.
Unfortunately Mary didn't have any friends, as she had chosen not to add any to her facebook account. Needless to say, Mary's account is no longer accessible and she is deciding whether she wants to bother having facebook after all.
As I was driving home, I was thinking how Mary's story is one that can be related to life in general.
Life is not a spectator sport. We aren't meant to be here on our own. We are meant to connect with others, on as many levels as we are able to. We are meant to learn not just about others, their way of thinking, be-ing and do-ing, we are also meant to share, to give of ourselves as well.
For, without friends; without 'sharing' our life with others, we are actually locking ourselves out of the most amazing and fulsome experience.
There are lessons to be learned everywhere within our life - all we need to do is to be open to them and aware that we are here to learn, to share and to connect.
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx