My generation and others before or after me, were also born 'knowing', but we were discouraged from remembering or talking about our imaginary friends and outlandish thoughts. We squashed them down, and after a while we forgot they were anything more than fanciful imaginings of our childhood.
When we came down to the physical plane, we also experienced 'natal amnesia', so we couldn't recall much of our life before life. We had snippets of memory that would kick in, from when we wrote our life plan on the etheric plane, but this was usually attributed to deja vu.
The children around now have the same psychic abilities and gifts we had, but the difference is that for them, it is a part of the whole, it is an essential part of their being. On the etheric plane, we don't need to speak, we use telepathy. There is no lying or fibbing there, because it is difficult to hide the truthful thoughts in our heads.
I believe all children are born remembering the gift of telepathy and I am constantly testing this theory. I'd like to share these two experiences with you.
The above photo is of one of my grandchildren. Her hair is longer and thicker now, but when this picture was taken we wondered when it would begin to grow.
One day I was sitting in the mall, a young girl about 18 months old was in a trundler while her mother was being served. As I looked over I thought 'Finally I've seen a child with less hair than Ella!' Her head spun around and stared me in the eyes. She poked her tongue out at me and looked away, rubbing her almost bare head. Needless to say, I did a lot of 'thought apologising' and explained why I had been thinking that way. After a while, she turned around and flashed me a huge smile before they carried on out of sight. My apology was obviously accepted!
The other day I was grocery shopping and another young boy (about a year old). He was in a trundler as well and screaming his head off. His Mother was alternating between ignoring him and telling him to be quiet. I looked over and thought something like 'Hey beautiful, what are you crying about?' His head spun around until he saw me. As I 'thought spoke' to him, he stopped crying, his eyes widened and he wouldn't take his eyes off me. When his mother blocked his view, he would strain to lean over and see around her. A short time later, they turned the corner and I went in a different direction...and he began crying again!
I encourage you all to try 'speaking' to babies and young children. I do it all the time with my grandies, even from another room in the house. It takes time and patience, but eventually they will 'hear' you and you, in turn, will 'hear' them. try it next time you're out shopping or in a place where there is a group of children. See how many turn around. See who responds and who doesn't and watch their expressions, so you can tell if the ones that don't respond are just ignoring you because they can!
The best advice I can give you is not to make it hard work. Let it flow. Don't try and force it and definitely don't stare into the eyes of a strangers baby...it makes them wonder what you are thinking, and believe me, telling them you're having a 'conversation' with them is not going to cut the mustard!
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx