I also love the end of an old year. I can release all the things that didn't work. I can let go of any pain or hurts associated with that year, as I prepare for the bright and sparkly new one! The end of a year is a great opportunity to review the year that has just been. To be grateful for all the good that happened and even the not-so-good that taught me a lot about myself, my perception of the world and my belief systems.
We quite often remember all the not-so-good things that happened in the last year, but quite often, we really have to concentrate to remember all the good that occurred, unless it was something major.
At the beginning of a year, I create a 'happy jar', which I leave on my kitchen window sill. (photo taken at night so you can't see how dirty the windows are) On the side of the jar I have attached a little bag of coloured notepaper cut into paragraph size.
Each night, when I make my last cup of tea for the night, I grab a slip of paper and write down something great that happened to me or one thing I was grateful for that day. Sometimes I forget to do it, or I get home too late to be bothered and that's okay. However, I'm not allowed to say 'I have nothing to be happy about or be grateful for today, so I'm just not going to do it!' Those are the days I really need to make sure I dig deep and find something to write about.
At the end of the year, sometime between Christmas and New Year, I tip it out and relive all those moments that made me happy during the year.
I recommend you try this too. Sometimes it's great to look back at the year gone by with a smile on your face, instead of looking back in pain or anger.
I also love it because it changes the expectation energy of the new year. I used to say 'I can't wait until next year. It's gotta be better than this.'
Now I see the positives and joy of last year and I know its going to be much better and brighter because I am already in a uplifted and positive state of mind.
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx