Let me share with you what happened to me yesterday, as a starter. I went for my usual beach walk early in the morning. Ever since I can remember I have loved looking for shells on the beach, one in particular, the cowry (cowrie) shell. They used to be so common when I was a child, but I haven’t found a complete one since then…and believe me I have looked! Every time Butch and I went for a walk, I would inspect the shore for pretty shells, always settling for bringing home the ‘next best thing’. ( and yes, I do have a random collection of shells, stones and corals, thanks for asking!)
Back to my story… When I reach the halfway point of my walk, I usually wander up the sand, usually somewhere that has yet to be touched by others, have a seat, rest and survey the landscape. During those moments, I also write a message in the pristine sand, placing a stone or shell I have picked up along the way. I wrote “Life is here. I wish you were too”, punctuating it with a lovely heart shaped (broken) shell. I sighed and began my walk back.
Old habits die hard, and as I walked I was still scanning for treasure, when I saw a perfect cowry shell lying apart from the rest of the shells. Coincidence? I think not! I said something like ‘Ahh, so you are here… Thank you,’ and for the rest of my walk I had a huge smile on my face.
While I was at Karen’s later, we remarked on how there seemed to be a lot of Elvis coming through the shuffle mode of her i-pod. Later, I was waiting in an office, and an Elvis song came on. Now normally, I probably wouldn’t have noticed, but I knew I was about to get a message. The song was ‘How Great Thou Art’, one of my paternal grandma’s favourite songs. A few sniffles and smothered sobs followed, as well as another ‘Thank you’.
As I folded up my washing that evening, a five cent piece fell out from a scrunched up tee shirt. Now, there was nothing in the washing machine with pockets and certainly no way that it could have got there in the time between me removing the clothes from the washing line and setting it down on the couch to fold. My maternal grandma and I always believed that when we ‘find’ coins, they are a sign that someone on the other side is saying hello, so I knew I had received a third ‘I am here’ message today.
So, when things are appearing out of nowhere, if a relevant song appears on the radio, if coins mysteriously found in impossible places, if something is moved, and you know you didn’t do it, consider yourself being blown a kiss and being told you are loved. If you feel warmth around your shoulders for no apparent reason (I call it a heat hugg), if it feels as if your hair is being toyed with or stroked, if you smell a fragrance that reminds you of someone in spirit, then know, without a doubt, you are loved and cherished. Even if you don’t feel , hear or see any of these, it doesn’t mean you aren’t being reminded how special you are, it just may be that your radar isn’t catching all those loving blips.
If a song you haven’t heard for a while plays on the radio, or on the i-pod shuffle…listen to the words. Is there a message for you? If your phone rings and there’s no one there, an empty text message or email… imagine you hear that song ‘I just called to say I love you!’
Sometimes we get so caught up in what is ‘real’ or physical/material, we sometimes miss the subtle signs we are being given from those we love in spirit. They are aware of our feelings and the effect Christmas may be having on us, and they want us to know they love and care about us.
There is no such thing as coincidence, there is only earthly justification. There is much more to life and living than we will ever know. In the meantime, let’s be open to our festive messages…
With love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx