1. I am tired (obviously)
2. I am about to receive a download of information, wisdom or perhaps important knowledge that will prove useful in the future
3. My body is asking me to stop making demands so it can do some intensive repair work or
4. There is a message or visual that I need to hear or see.
More often than not, it is a combination of all these things...and sometimes I ignore it. If I carry on doing what I am doing for a further ten minutes, the feeling disappears, the 'moment' or 'opportunity' passes and I return to my original energy flow. I assume we all do this. We feel exhausted or overwhelmed, but instead of taking time out to put up our feet or just 'be', we keep on racing around the place trying to get things done.
It took me many years to discover that some of my best messages and visuals happened when this feeling of tiredness came. It took me even longer to say: 'Here it comes. Everything else can wait. I want to be present for this.' And this is what I now do. Within 15 - 30 minutes, I feel invigorated and, if I had been suffering from any aches and pains, they are often not as strong as they were prior to this 'tiredness'.
In a world where resting is not encouraged and production is, we sometimes need to remember that our body needs rest to maintain good health; our guides and angels need us to stop thinking for a little while, so they can infuse us with healing, messages and love; our body is an amazing self repairing mechanism that does its best work while we are on 'pause' and that some of that divine wisdom we are a part of needs to download into our consciousness for later use.
Lets remember to be more aware of why our body is asking us to press 'pause', and remember that we deserve a 'power recharge' every now and then.
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx