As I put my hands on the first client, I felt a strange sensation. My upper forehead ached as if my hair was being pulled off. I asked my guides if this was a present or past life experience and could they please give me some more information. I was shown an indian brave, in his prime. He had the air of someone who was brave and strong and excelled at everything he did. I felt he was rising within the ranks of warriors and was so respected by all that he would become a leader one day. He wore a band on his left arm with red and green feathers hanging proudly from it.
I was then shown two other indians lying in wait for him as he rode his horse through what appeared to be a gully between tall rock faces. There was something draped across the passage and he was toppled from his horse as it caught him by surprise.
The two braves ran up and scalped him, finishing him off with a 'spear-like' weapon. The pain he felt was apparent, but there was a deep emotional pain I felt as well. The braves who killed him were well known to him. One was his brother. I was told they were so jealous of him, they had planned to kill him and, using a spear from a neighbouring tribe, they had deflected the blame from themselves.
I asked my guides and the angels if we could heal this past life without me having to mention it to my client (I wasn't sure how she would react), the answer was no.
After the session was over I asked my client if she believed in past lives and she said she did. I also asked her if she had head 'aches' at the top of her forehead. She said she had had them for many years. I told her what I had learnt during the reiki session and showed her where I felt the spear had gone in below her rib cage. She told me she had felt strange sensations and found it difficult to breathe when I had placed my hands over that spot to heal this past wound.
I explained my guides had told me I needed to tell her about it, so she could acknowledge this past life experience and heal it completely.
Thank goodness she was open to the experience and what I had to say!
As I put my hands on my next client I was shown him and his partner in a past life as well. His partner was an actress/singer from the late 1800's. She has lovely long black hair and the voice of an angel. Her repertoire went from beautiful and soulful tunes to cheeky ditties. She was wearing an amazing red dress which showed off her 'charms'. My client had been smitten with her and they had been involved for some time. Marriage wasn't possible because of her occupation, as his family would have frowned upon it, so they met privately and had a clandestine romance. These two people were made for each other, they fit like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
One day my client got into a fight with another gunslinger with a better aim. He was shot in the knees and was left crippled as a result.
Confined to home and unable to see his true love, he gave up on living and died of a broken heart.
His actress/singer girlfriend moved on, but was never as happy as she had been with my client. She 'existed' for the rest of her life, always mourning the loss of her one true love.
It was no surprise these two have been drawn to each other in this lifetime and it's comforting to know that a happy ending is possible, even if it's in a different lifetime.
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx