The past week or so 'past life healing' has popped into my world in many forms and I was debating whether I was getting a nudge...until I got a shove!
When I begin a treatment, I tell clients what I feel and ask if they have noticed these symptoms or we define them energectically and emotionally. As an empath, I 'feel' what is going on in my client's bodies as we 'connect' energies.
I was receiving a pain in my stomach I could only describe as severe anxiety. When I asked for confirmation, and she told me this happened whenever she was worried about what would happen to her ten year old son if she passed over. I had severe ringing in my ears and pain in my forehead as we carried on, which we agreed was related to the anxiety as well as feeling disconnected from her spiritual side.
I asked about her angel wings (located between the shoulder blades) and she said she couldn't feel them anymore. The sensation I had was of them being crushed. Suddenly I had a sharp pain in my left lower back, above my hip bone. I asked if that had any significance. She told me that when she was pregnant she felt like she had torn a ligament or something similar and that it often acted up when she was extremely stressed.
As I sent energy into her shoulders, I could feel a tingling where my angel wings are, and a sensation as if they were being unfurled. At that point of time, she raised her upper back and told me she felt like she needed to adjust how she was lying, because there didn't seem to be enough room between her and the table. We hadn't been speaking at that stage, so this was validation for both of us.
I had a sudden visual of what had happened in her past life. She'd been a soldier, sometime in the Roman era. He was stabbed through the hip in a horrific battle and as he lay there dying, his last thoughts were for his wife and two children. I described his wife Sandra, and mentioned her long black hair.
Instantly my client began to cry, telling me that as a toddler she'd had a strange attachment to a long black wig, wearing it continuously until her mother hid it. She'd always wanted long black hair and was disappointed that it didn't suit her. Having come back as a female this lifetime, she'd wanted to be the woman 'he' had loved in that lifetime.
The position of the hip pain and the stomach anxiety explained why my client had such an intense fear of the future for her child and herself.
I explained that Christophe, the soldier, had helped her to get to where she was right now, but his time was now over and it was time for her to take charge of her life. He had helped her when things had seemed hopeless, when she struggled to keep going, by reminding her of this past life emotion. When things were at their bleakest, the thought of her son had kept her battling on.
Christophe stood before me (as close as he could, I might add!), a handsome man in full battle gear. He would have been around the same age as my client.
It is my belief that when we have a past life guide like Christophe, that as we reach the same age they were when they passed over, this is the time we need to take over.
I thanked Christophe for his assistance in her life thus far, for keeping her on track and reminding her she had much to live for, even when it didn't feel like it. I told him she would now take over and he could go home to Sandra now. I then asked my client to ensure she did the same.
I had the distinct sensation of the sword being gently removed and the space where it had been, being healed over. My client said she could also feel sensations in that area. We both felt a great sense of peace and love fill the room.
A short time later, as I was packing up, a candle that had been burning during the healing was knocked over - in the opposite direction that the wind was blowing the curtains.... Christophe had left the building!
The next day, my client sent me a text
'Oh wow, that reiki and reading were amazing. I feel amazing, confident, inspired, energetic, peaceful and calm and an amazing secure feeling about what the future holds. It feels like I need to share this feeling of kindness to everyone I know. Feels like the world is my oyster! Never felt like this before. I am in control of my life and feel I can do anything with my head held high! Thank you...
Sometimes we have strange fears and emotions we can't explain. Situations and events can create a sense of 'knowing' or a repeated reaction to them from our
past lives. We may not remember, but our cells, inner wisdom and energy do.
It's putting the puzzle together that creates a sense of understanding and realisation. Isn't it awe-inspiring to know that you may be receiving guidance from another you - for as long as you need it?!!
Thanks to my wonderful friend and client who allowed me to share this as well as her message. x
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx