disaster zone his passing would leave. My life thus far has been anything but
smooth sailing. I don't spend time moaning about the events that have dramatically changed me or my life. Instead I celebrate them because they make
me a better person, more empathic, and as a result, I have a deep understanding for others and their journey. I've been there. I understand the feelings, emotions and thoughts that plague us all and why we can sometimes find it difficult to step into our own power. I know only too well what it's like to
struggle, what it's like to give up and how hard it is to bounce back.
I'm not a guru. I'm just an ordinary person leading a reasonably ordinary life (with a host of invisible friends!). I don't have all the answers and don't profess to. Spirit has been my consolation, my inspiration and my wisdom when I find it difficult to find those qualities within myself.
You're probably wondering why I'm writing this post. I'm not sure why myself. All I know is that all afternoon I've been nudged by Spirit to share my human-ness, my ordinary-ness as well as my spiritual journey. We all hit rock bottom at some stage in our lives. We all wonder if we can ever raise ourselves up again. The resilience of the human spirit is awe-inspiring and amazing. We are capable of anything we set our mind to, of following our dreams and stepping boldly into our magnificence.
Perhaps the reason I'm writing this post is to remind you (and me) that we're all capable of doing great things, of fulfilling our dreams and being all we can be in spite of the obstacles, sadness and disasters in our life!
Celebrate the lessons we've learnt and know everything happens for a reason, even if we can't see the positive side at the time.
When something negative happens in our lives, we have a choice...we can be a victim or a survivor. I know which one I'll always pick!
with love, respect & integrity
Cherie (survivor) xx