I have been getting 'nudges' all day to share this story, and tonight I have been reminded of it again.
About 15 years ago, I hurt my leg, which quickly gravitated to my lower back, thanks to some well-meaning but incorrect specialists who struggled to diagnose what was wrong. The pain was unbearable, I couldn't stand, sit or lie down and walking any distance was simply out of the question. Finally, I found a specialist who told me that my spine was compressed and twisted, thanks to medical misadventure. I wore a full body brace to help support my back and was on a variety of pain killers to help me cope with the pain. In a follow up appointment, I was told that nothing would ever change, that it would not improve and I should resign myself to a sedentary lifestyle. read: I would spend the rest of my life practically immobile and unable to do very much of anything. In those days I was very fit and active, I did aerobics, dancing and gardening. All of a sudden I was restricted to reading and watching TV. I was also told not do anything strenuous and restrict my movement or I was in danger of ending up in a wheelchair.
How I grieved for my life. I mourned the loss of my fierce independence, my favourite hobbies and the stuff I could do that I used to take for granted. I could have stayed in that state and spent the rest of my life sitting there feeling sorry for myself...and for six months that's exactly what I did!
One morning I woke up and was determined that this wasn't how my story would end. I was going to fight back and do as much as I could with what time I had left.
I gradually began strengthening physical body, I asked for help from my guides and angels and I decided I wouldn't give up.
After five years I was able to run up stairs, walk for 10 kilometres, I'd thrown my brace away and I stopped taking those pain killers.
Since then I have become a massage therapist, a beginner belly dancer and have done various other things my younger self would not have believed possible after such a gloomy prognosis.
Last weekend I danced for several hours and woke up the next day with only the normal aches and pains one would expect after a vigorous workout on the dance floor.
Those well meaning doctors who told me my life was over were probably looking at a text book case. Well, I've never been one to follow the crowd. (Non-conformist is my middle name!)
I don't believe anyone can dictate my life, or how to live it anymore - no matter how educated they are. I learnt from that experience that it is only my reaction to what others believe is my truth that decides whether I succeed or fail.
I encourage you to listen to your intuition and inner wisdom and know that only you know how your story will be written. If we are positive and believe we can overcome the odds with all our heart, mind, body and soul, we can move mountains...or at least nudge them!
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx