Quite often I tell my clients they need to write the 'Because..' letter. When something makes us angry or fearful, we can use this as a strategy for finding out why we feel this way.
So, if you are feeling cranky with the world or a specific someone and you can't really explain why, maybe this is a good thing for you to try too.
Start your letter with a sentence that says how you feel right now. For example,' I'm angry at Simon'. At the end put 'because'. Start a new line and follow on from that first sentence. Add 'because' again. Keep doing this until you run out of things to write...don't finish too soon, allow whatever thought pops into your head to be written down. Don't overthink it.
You will know when you're done...but don't stop because you subconsciously don't want to know the answer.
I love doing this because you just never know where it might end up. For example, it could turn out that you are angry with Simon because he took the last piece of cake and somewhere along the way you remembered that your younger brother always did that and your Mum always let him 'get away with it'.
Sometimes the things that bother us the most that we can't explain have roots deep in our childhood. Once we have worked out what they are, we can heal that part of us and move on.
Alternatively, you can do it for something that's good in your life. It may turn out that the reason why you like red roses is because your Great Aunt Freda, who used to give you chocolate cake wore a fragrance called red rose...or she had an apron with a red rose on it. There's nothing like a pleasant memory we can call upon whenever we see red
It's an interesting way to look at things, isn't it? As we unravel those reasons, we also heal some of those outdated belief systems from when we were children and adults told us life was black and white while we were exploring the greys!