We are each given guides to help us along our life path. Some are from past lives, whether they are friends, family or enemies. Some of our guides 'owe' us for a misdeed in a past life. Others have a specific personality trait we need to draw upon and some are here because they agreed to help us during our
journey. There is no limit to the number of guides we have, some are here for a specific time frame or until we resolve an issue or past life emotion we have brought through into this life and others are here for our entire life.
I've had many guides through my life and I'm going to use some of them as an example of why they were here.
I have (had):
Alfie, a 'boat' man who did me wrong in a past life, messing with my affections and deserting me when I became pregnant. He stands guard over me and helps me rediscover my inner strength. He uses his oar in a way a soldier might stand at attention with a rifle.
Maria, is a spanish dancer, who encourages me to dance and enjoy life.
Carlos is a gypsy I helped to escape when fortune telling was illegal in Spain. He is repaying a debt and tried for many years to get me to accept my psychic-ness.
Sarah was my younger sister, who had played for my parent's affections and landed me in trouble many times because she was cute and I was 'old enough to know better'. She was here to show me that I can still be child-like and use my imagination.
I also have a High Priestess, whose name I've never known. I also was a High Priestess in that lifetime and we were like sisters. She spent a fair amount of years trying to help me see the divine being within me. I died a horrible death in that
lifetime, swearing never to put myself in that position ever again. Over time,
she has convinced me that times are different and it's safe to be all I am. She appeared in my life at a time when I was heartsick and didn't want to be a part of this world. She would assume my reflection in the mirror. Synchronistically, the time she began to be a part of my life and when I was giving up on life is about the age I had died in that previous lifetime. We wrote a contract on the etheric plane where she agreed to help me through that difficult time.
Peter is a son I miscarried in this lifetime. He appears as a 15 year old, because that is the age he 'chooses' to be. He helps me to remember how amazing I am, that I am lovable even when I feel I'm at my most unlovable! He knows everything about me and still loves me unconditionally. He gets a bit annoyed with me sometimes when I forget to do the same, or to ask for help.
Brian has been with me since birth. He's a bit of a straight talker and doesn't
mind giving me a bitch slap from the other side now and then. I don't believe we
shared any lifetimes together, he just signed up to be my babysitter! He helps
me in all things.
Butch, my husband, is also around me, helping me to learn to live again and he puts in a good word with other people's guides to help smooth the way. I'm told he feels responsible for leaving me to struggle, which is sad and uplifting at the same time. He also makes me realise I am loved and that although his physical presence is gone,I am never alone.
My Grandma is also around me, helping to smooth the way and provide comfort when she can.
I also have a guide who is a Light Spirit. His name is complicated to say, so I just call him Sam. He's taller than the ceiling in my room and has to bend in half if he visits. I have met with him in a meditation and danced with my feet resting on his. He carries me effortlessly and I feel such joy around him.
Guides can come and go continually. They don't just stand around waiting for
us to need them. They have 'lives' to lead as well. I know that Carlos, Sarah
and the High Priestess are no longer around me. They have achieved what they
were here to do. The rest are still around me, and I know Ihave a few new ones waiting in the wings as I evolve, appearing as my needs and lessons change with me.
Some people see their guides, others feel, sense or hear them. I could feel
Alfie, can hear Brian and I would see the High Priestess as I looked in the mirror.
I love all my guides and spirit family, they each bring something different
to my life, so I know I have all the bases covered. I know that whatever happens
I can call on them for assistance. I know they whisper to me as I sleep, hug me
when I'm miserable and inspire me to be all I can be. They laugh and cry along with me, and will cheer from the sidelines when I most need it. However they never interfere with my free will, and will only step in to offer guidance or assistance if I ask them. If I have a difficult issue with someone or something, they will 'chat' to the guides of others involved to help resolve the situation.
I believe that sometimes the orbs that show up in photos are imprints of the energy from our spirit family and guides. I also believe that not every reading or visit to a psychic will immediately allow us access to all our guides. Sometimes they only step forward when we need to know about them and the reason th
Discovering who our guides are and why they are around us is important. We are better able to see what challenge we are facing and know we aren't alone. We never are, it is only our perception that we are.
As beings of source, we are always connected, even if we don't see or realise it at the time. There is a lot of comfort just in the knowing!
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx