Although there was plenty of light and sparkly energy bouncing around, up and through the clouds, there was also some tiny strand-like smoky coloured ones as well. There didn't seem to be a good or bad feel to either type, they just 'were'. I was drawn to the window for over an hour, checking to see whether more or less cloud cover or turbulence made a difference. I couldn't help but think some of them were showing off as they propelled themselves up and did somersaults or flips.
I don't know whether you have ever tried this, but next time you are out near a tree on a sunny day, look up at the top of the tree and see if you can see the energy exchange that takes place at the tips of the trees or leaves. With practise, the weather won't be such an important feature.
To my disappointment, the beautiful and sparkly energy sparks weren't visible in the photos I took, but there are some light orbs in this one, if you look hard enough.
We are all created from energy, everything holds energy of some kind, whether it is good or not-so-good....although my belief is that almost all energy is positive, it is our perception, thoughts and projection that change it's make-up.
I was amused to realise that I hadn't thought about energy dancing up among the clouds.
Lets remember that all energy around us is affected by our attitude, behaviour and actions. We will always attract what we put out...So, are you consciously attracting sparkly, daring and flamboyant energy into your life...?
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx