This is what happened earlier this week, when I was asked to do a 'clearing'. I love reiki, and being asked to do a clearing is always exciting. I never know what will happen during a session. I always tell clients that I have no control, what they need to know right now is exactly what will happen during the hour to hour and a half I am there. The problem is that everyone wants something to happen that will knock their socks off, or that renders them speechless, but all too often, this is not the case. However, there will always be something profound that happens, even if it is a case of connecting the dots within a present life, or using a past life experience(s).
There are times when a client is left gob smacked when I tell them what I 'received' while sending awesome Universal Energy into, around and through them. In 99.99% of sessions, the client knows exactly what they are being told and why. The other 0.01% may not be ready to hear what I have to say, or they may just need time to process it.
Lets get back to the clearing I was doing. As I 'tapped into' the energy of my client (lets call her Christine), I asked about different symptoms I was 'receiving'. Remember, all symptoms have an emotional beginning. The emotional aspect and energy of what I was feeling not only allows the client to acknowledge that our energies have merged, but also to give them validation for any strange, unexplainable aches and pains they may be experiencing.
I kept asking Christine if she had any stomach issues, and that I felt were focussed on anxiety and fear. There was also a tightening in her(our) chest that indicated feelings of suffocation/confinement/limitation. I also had some sharp pains in my shoulder, upper thigh and I felt as if there was a 'wedge' of steel between her lower back vertebrae. Apart from the back and thigh pain, she assured me that she did not have any of these other issues. I shrugged my shoulders and said 'Perhaps we will get more information later on that.'
I felt extremely nauseous and, looking back with hindsight, this was probably an indication I was about to receive something that would turn my stomach...
I saw Christine, although, in this lifetime, her name was Shaneen, as a young christian woman living in an abbey or something similar. The year I was given was 1635, and I was told Shaneen was 23. She wore similar clothing to pictures portraying Virgin Mary, except the colour was brown. It was a plain modest dress with a matching mantle.
I could smell rotten fish and hear waves crashing, and I was shown water on the other side of the hill. I could see big squarish rocks in a two tone grey colour. In front of the abbey was a large flat piece of ground, which looked peaceful...until some rough and noisy men came riding around the top of the hill and in front of the abbey. They threw things as they yelled obscenities. They wore helmets that looked similar to roman helmets, but something wasn't quite right. They were roughly made and had no real shape. It wasn't until much later I realised that this was a disguise so the blame would be shifted from this group of men.
After slaying nearly all the women there, they took a couple of the younger women prisoner. I was transported to a cold dark place, which might have been a dungeon, but I felt it was a cave with 'chambers'.
I was shown that Shaneen was raped, tortured and abused. There was a sense of green metal lodged in and around her body, especially between her lower vertebrae. I was shown that her captors 'nailed' pieces of iron into various places in her body over a period of time, which meant she had an awful stagger/limp when she attempted to walk.
It was inevitable that Shaneen would get pregnant, and when she did, these barbarians 'removed' the baby in the most painful way possible, but in such a way that she didn't bleed to death. I found it interesting that the metal and nails they poked into her body didn't affect her in a life ending way. This was another clue that these men were not who they portrayed themselves to be. When I asked how long Shaneen was subjected to this cruelty, I was shown a large 8. I really hoped it was 1638 and not a long and soul destroying eight years. Most of the time as I was being shown Shaneen's past life, I wanted to be violently ill - I don't even watch movies or programmes about this sort of stuff! I was grateful when there was no more to be seen and I could clear this poisonous lifetime from her energy field.
Afterwards I told Christine about her past life and we discovered some parallels in her current life, like feeling nervous around groups of noisy men, or the pains where the metal had been poked into her body and corroded. It was important that Christine knew about this lifetime and the impact it had on her, as well as the echoes it had placed into her current life. Although I clear the energy surrounding past lifetimes, it is important to integrate lessons, feelings, emotions and memories as well. It isn't about 'deleting' a past life, it is about integration, validation and understanding.
A couple of days later, I received a text message from Christine telling me she was in a much better frame of mind/energy/state than before her healing.
~Sigh~ I l♥ve what I do!
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx