So, when someone suggested I have some angels come and 'visit' me for five days and five nights, my skeptic radar was going off the Richter scale.
I was actually feeling a bit low when it was suggested to me. It was almost Christmas and it's around that time a lot of grief bubbles to the surface and I can sometimes struggle to stay 'connected with my present moments'.
When I received the message from a friend through Facebook, I thought to myself 'Scam!' and ignored it completely. A couple of days later, I was answering another friend's message and the angel message caught my attention.
After a few moments deliberating, I decided to answer the message. After all, I reasoned, it couldn't possibly do me any damage, and who knows, it might help me with my runaway emotions. There was every chance my friend had already found someone else, especially as I hadn't even replied.
Fortunately for me, she hadn't rushed off and found someone else, so I was going to get visitors on the 20th of December 2012!
I followed all the instructions, found another three people to send them on to after my 5 days and nights were up, organised a plant, candle and my wishes. I created my 'sacred space' and was more than ready when the big night arrived.
I have to tell you, that although I had done all the preparation, there was still that part of me that said this was going to be a huge waste of time and money. (the candle cost me $2.10 on special!) I had no expectations at all, I was quite prepared for nothing at all to happen.
The night they arrived, I opened the door to welcome thin, as per my instructions, and to my surprise, I sensed the presence of five angels, but shrugged it off, putting it down to tiredness. I'd stayed up, waiting for them to arrive, and was ready to go to bed. It seemed a bit rude to just say 'Hi, good night', so I sat there in the lounge, thinking about what I wanted the next five days to bring. High on my list was a sense of peace and resolve about my life. After a bit, I decided I was just being silly and I went to bed.
I hadn't slept a full night in about three months, not because I was stressed or sad, I just wasn't sleeping. That night I slept the best I had in such a long time. I felt energetic, relaxed and ready to face the day when I awoke.
As I went about my day I felt 'different'. I couldn't explain what it was or why. It was just this sense of being safe and peaceful. I was different around others and they noticed and commented on it as well. There were other small signs that there really were angels around me, but if I wrote about them all, we'd be here for a very long time.
Each night, I felt a sense of healing around me. I had severely damaged my foot about three weeks prior and was still hobbling around in a restrictive bandage, when the angels had come to visit. The emotional source of my injured foot was about feeling constrained or restricted with what I needed to do next. I'd been struggling for some time with a few issues, problems and directions I wanted to travel in, with no real idea of how I would achieve them.
On the last morning I woke, with a sense of 'intent'. It was as if everything was clear in my mind. I knew exactly what it was I wanted to do and how it would unfold. My foot no longer hurt and I knew I was ready to step up and into the next part of my journey. As I walked to work that morning, I realised that the last five days had left me feeling 'peace, love and harmony'. I knew I'd received healing on my heart space and I could physically feel the difference. My aura had become brighter and I could feel and see it's resonance.
It was sad to say goodbye to my angels. My place felt quite empty without them, and the temperature was a little cooler in my place, after I escorted them to the door.
I am forever grateful to the angels who visited me, in spite of my skepticism and also to my friend who was patient enough to wait for me to realise a visit was just what I needed.
It was an awesome experience and I have to say that it is less than a month later and two of my wishes are already well on their way to being granted.
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx