'But this is the direction I need to go', I replied.
'There is another way and I can show you how to get there,' the person said as she got into my passenger seat.
The road up was only one way, so I had to reverse my car back through the curves and potholes i had already come through. Even in a dream my reversing skills were sadly lacking. I was scared and i couldn't always see where I was going. My passenger kept insisting I carry on, insisting on pointing out the mistakes I made along the way.
Suddenly the road fell away and my car fell horizontally into a swimming pool. I got out and looked despairingly at my beautiful car submerged in the water. My husband and I had purchased this car before he passed and there was a fear that I didn't have the skill to buy another car that would be anywhere near as good without him running through my mind. How could I be able to keep going without his expertise in that area? I asked myself.
All seemed lost and I felt sad and powerless.
Some friends came to my aid, using a crane to hoist it out of the pool and onto dry land.
A little while later, I got back in my car, and although it looked a little worse for wear, it still went well. In fact it seemed to be going a lot better than it had before, I mused, as I continued on my journey. I carried on my way, up the road I had previously been on. All of a sudden I realized that I wasn't as worried and scared as I had been before. I knew I was heading in the right direction and that everything was going to be alright.
When I woke up that morning I thought about my dream and the implications it had had, with regard to my current life situation.
When we dream about a car it is usually significant to our journey in life, the road is the path we have chosen and water is repressed or unresolved information.
I had had a rough month where the path I had chosen had been fraught with difficulty. Others had been trying to tell me that what I was doing was wrong and I needed to 'back up'. Reversing my journey had been hard to do, because it meant going back to a way of living or being that wasn't being true to who I was, or my journey. I felt alone and abandoned by those who had tried to 'turn me back', the road seemed unclear, and fraught with danger, resulting in burying myself within the emotion of other people's wishes and opinions, as well as my own, of not being able to 'go on'.
However, when friends had helped me to retrieve myself and enable me to go on my journey there was a sense of peace and fulfillment as I resumed my journey. I knew that 'carrying on' was being true to me and what I needed/wanted to do.
And so it is with life. Often we 'reverse', our intent to try and please others, when essentially, we are here to travel our own path, regardless of what others perceive or believe to be our truth.
This dream highlighted this aspect of my life for me and enabled me to see that I am not alone. I can ask for help and assistance if I need to, but most importantly I am able to move forward in a way the resonates with me and my purpose.
Remember to be true to you, who you are and your chosen path - after all this is what you were born to do and what you chose to do in this lifetime.
With love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx