On a positive note, there was a consensus that ‘we have the gift of choice’ in our life journey while we are here on the earthly plane. However, I hasten to add that we also have the gift of life!
Coming to the earthly plane IS a gift – not everyone comes back when and if they want to. During our time here, we always have a gift of choice. We will have chosen specific lessons to learn within this lifetime, but we choose whether to do this functionally or dysfunctionally, living within our light or hiding within the shadow of who we are.
There are 7 levels of hell and 7 levels of hell: I personally don’t believe in heaven and hell. It is all about choice. We can make life here on the earthly plane as positive or as negative as we like – it is us that choose whether this life is hell or heaven on earth. I believe we go back to source when we pass, going back to the etheric, where all things are possible and we live in love and light.
Evil spirits goad us into behaving badly: I don’t like this idea at all. I feel it gives us an excuse, someone else to blame if we misbehave – and if this is true, where is our gift of choice that we first spoke about? I also struggle with the idea of ‘evil spirits’. Spirits are made up of energy, so whatever energy we project is what they absorb and reflect back. If we are in fear or another negative emotion, then it stands to reason that our energy is ‘spread around’ to other energetic forms. Have you ever walked into a room after there has been an argument and felt uncomfortable about the energy in there? Back to the point in question – we decide what we do, we have free choice, free mind…only we decide what to do, not some mysterious mini devil sitting on our shoulder.
Spirits will come and watch you in the bathroom/toilet: Now I found this amusing. If a person isn’t allowed to come in and watch you having a shower while they are alive, the chances are they won’t do it when they have passed over. What possible gratification would you get as a spirit, in seeing a naked body?
Most spirits are stuck: This is sooo not true. Most spirits have a choice. Some prefer to stay here for a variety of reasons, and that is their decision. We, as lightworkers should not feel obliged to help them cross over – after all, who are we to decide who should stay or go…its not about OUR choice, is it? Just for the record, when someone commits suicide doesn’t always get stuck either. The main thing that creates ‘stuck-ness’ for a spirit is a belief that they are not worthy, that they don’t deserve to go back ‘home’. The only person that judges us when we pass is US. It is not a jury, a judge or an all powerful and cranky entity. We decide whether we lived the life we chose and we know all the reasons why we and others acted as they did. It opens us up to see the many lessons we learnt or taught. However, if we feel we didn’t live true to our purpose, we can decide to stay…and that is when we light-workers can help them to ‘see the light’ and go home.
Spirits can go through your stuff: Why would they? Really, what have we got that they could possibly want to take? What would it achieve? When we are over on the etheric, we can have anything we want, because we merely have to visualise what we want, whether it’s a new outfit, hairdo, place we used to visit or food we enjoyed while we were on the physical plane.
Spirits are scared of wooden crosses and if you have one over your bed, they will stay away: We don’t need to scare spirits off to make them stay away. They have every right to be here - just like us. What we do need to do is to speak from our heart-space and ask them, with love, to leave.
Does someone screaming, yelling and swearing at you make you want to leave? Not me…I dig my toes in and stay just to irritate the person who is being rude to me! Why should a spirit be any different?!
And really, what about a wooden cross is scary to anyone? Intent is everything. This person believed the cross would protect her and that’s exactly what happened. She could have put a glass of water beside her bed and said ‘This will protect me and keep them away’. Spirit hears, understands and listens and responds to our requests. It is as simple as that!
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx