How many of us have felt that sudden rush of heat as we have woken up, or that strange jolt as we kinda 'fall into' our body again? Did you ever stop to consider you have been out all night travelling?
As a child, I used to get quite excited when I could feel a shift in the energy around me as I lay in bed, signalling that I was about to go on another 'trip'.
Now I'm older, I find it interesting to note that I sometimes have sore legs or arms from the 'work' I do at night.
I can remember going to a psychic when I was younger and her asking me if I felt I was here to do something specific. I said 'Yes, ever since I can remember I have felt that I have an important job to do but I have no idea what it is. As I get older I am getting a sense of urgency, as I worry that I am not fulfilling my life's purpose.' I then added, 'and I worry that it's somewhere in a third world country, because I don't even like camping!' I am truly inspired by those who visit these places and actually live amongst the people, while doing wonderful things, but seriously, it's just not for me.
She laughed and said 'But you are already doing it! Each night, you travel to far off places to help those less fortunate.'
This made perfect sense to me, because I would have snippets of memories where I running with children through forests, or building bricks out of mud. And sometimes, I would wake with an 'impression' of a bruise or unexplained aches and pains.
I don't always remember my travels, but I do know I go on them. I have visited parallel lives, other planets and even friends and family (both living and in spirit) to 'check up' on them.
Many years ago, before I realised that what I did as a child was actually astral travel, I bought a book to help me 'do it'. I was really disappointed in my purchase. Not only did the person who wrote it, have a guru complex, where two thirds of the book was all about him and how amazing he was, but he also created a lot of fear. In the end I donated the book to charity (I never throw books away, they are too precious). In subsequent conversations with others I have sensed this 'fear' all too often, so I've decided it's time it was laid to rest. So lets look at some of them:
What if you get lost?
There is no 'lost'. You are connected at the solar plexus with a beautiful cord (rather like an umbilical cord) that gives you as much leeway or length as you need. When it is time to come home, you can be either 'reeled in', hence the jolting feeling, or you can just gradually enter your body when you are ready, which explains the sudden heat wave we feel as our astral body and physical body become 'one' again.
What if the cord was to break?
The cord will never break. The only way your astral or etheric body and your physical body can become separated is through death. Even then it is not an abrupt ending, it is a gentle floating up and out motion. The cord has to wither and separate, not snap.
What if someone/something tries to enter my body while I am away?
Well, should this extremely doubtful thing even begin to happen, your physical body would send a message along the cord and you would be back faster than someone/something could get past your toes! Your physical body is specifically made for you and all the parts of you. No one and nothing else will be welcome in your body, without your express invitation.
What if my house catches fire while I'm gone?
Once again, your physical body would 'call you' back.
Where can I go?
It is possible to set your intent and ask to travel to specific places. My favourite is to set up a test with someone, and ask them to place something on a table and I will tell them after I have visited, what it was. It is possible to go anywhere you choose, or just to let your astral/etheric body to have free range.
I can't astral travel, what shall I do?
Just because you can't remember whether you travel or not, doesn't mean it isn't happening. Instead of focusing on trying to, start noticing the areas/countries your dreams are set in. Start noticing any strange aches and pains that are not easily explained.
I think I travel, but I don't remember anything. Why not?
Sometimes we aren't meant to remember everything. Sometimes that information is stored within our inner wisdom and it is later,when we say something that we can't remember learning about or knowing, that the information is ready to be used or utilised.
If you have any other questions that I haven't thought of, please feel free to contact me on [email protected].
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx