The Full Moon in Leo on February 8th is a good time to release old habits, belief systems and insecurities to make way for a new way of being, interacting with others and thinking. It is ideal for improving our self esteem and respect for the divine being within us.
It isn't necessary to go 'all out' with a full moon ritual, it can be as simple or as complicated as you wish. For a basic Full Moon Ritual, you can choose some or all of the items below:
Candles Paper & Pen(s) Burnproof container Tealight candle
Ting-chas Crystal Singing Bowl Incense Matches
Music to set the tone and your intention A treat (a favourite drink & food)
You can enlarge on this by having something to represent the four elements - air, water, earth and fire e.g candle, incense, a crystal, small bowl of water (optional)
Set up your space with everything you want to use, you don't want to be getting up and rummaging around the cupboards for items during your ritual. Focussing your intent is important.
If you think you'll be disturbed, it's a good idea to turn off your phone.
Have your music playing in the background - as loud or as low as you like. (I tend to play my favourite healing music and play along with my crystal singing bowl for a little while)
Light your candles and incense if you have them.
When you feel you're ready, write a list of what it is you want to release or let go of. List all the things that have held you back, prevented you from loving yourself or others and stopped you from being the divine and empowered being you truly are.
These can be sentences that explain what it is and why you are releasing it, or it can be bullet points. The style of this is up to you - this is your ritual, do what feels right for you! It can be as plain or as decorative as you want it to be. If you want to use different colour pens or draw on it, then do so.
(for examples of 'Release Lists', check out the Full Moon Ritual photo album on facebook - Angelic Messages With Attitude).
After you feel your list is complete, read what you have written and either crumple, rip it or fold your list up.
Go outside where your burnproof container is and place a tealight candle in it or simply set fire to your paper, ensuring it is completely burnt and released.
Sometimes when we are reluctant to release a fear or belief, the paper may be stubborn about accepting the fire. Be persistent! Alternatively, sometimes we are really ready to let go of what is on the list, it burns fast and furious.
While standing, take a few moments to take a deep breath in and imagine a pure clear golden light entering through your crown chakra and then notice how, with each breath you take, it fills your body completely. Visualise it moving down through your head, neck and shoulders, down your arms and into your hands and fingertips. Feel it filling your heartspace, your torso as it goes down through your legs, into your feet and toes
As you breathe out feel your old emotions, beliefs and fears exiting through the soles of your feet and/or streaming out from your fingertips and going deep into the earth, where they can be filtered and cleansed by nature. (You can imagine these as a different colour, but it isn't important)
Soon the gold light is streaming through you and instead of going into the ground it comes up and creates a bubble of crystal clear gold light around you.
By doing this, you are acknowledging what you have just done, imprinting your intent so the universe, your guides and especially you, know you are ready to release and renew. It is up to you whether you scatter or bury the ashes or just chuck them in the bin.
Working on ourselves in this way and with the energy as well as our emotions, can leave us a little depleted. So, before you tidy up, sit with your treat (great to do as you admire the beauty of the full moon!).
If you don't notice the change straight away, don't panic, it may take a little while. Some people feel instantly different while others notice a gradual transformation.
When releasing entrenched fears, beliefs and energy, sometimes it is a good idea to smudge your home and self. However, this is an optional .
If you have any questions, please contact me through the comments, through my facebook page or vis [email protected].
Full Moon! Blessings to you all!
with love respect and integriy
It isn't necessary to go 'all out' with a full moon ritual, it can be as simple or as complicated as you wish. For a basic Full Moon Ritual, you can choose some or all of the items below:
Candles Paper & Pen(s) Burnproof container Tealight candle
Ting-chas Crystal Singing Bowl Incense Matches
Music to set the tone and your intention A treat (a favourite drink & food)
You can enlarge on this by having something to represent the four elements - air, water, earth and fire e.g candle, incense, a crystal, small bowl of water (optional)
Set up your space with everything you want to use, you don't want to be getting up and rummaging around the cupboards for items during your ritual. Focussing your intent is important.
If you think you'll be disturbed, it's a good idea to turn off your phone.
Have your music playing in the background - as loud or as low as you like. (I tend to play my favourite healing music and play along with my crystal singing bowl for a little while)
Light your candles and incense if you have them.
When you feel you're ready, write a list of what it is you want to release or let go of. List all the things that have held you back, prevented you from loving yourself or others and stopped you from being the divine and empowered being you truly are.
These can be sentences that explain what it is and why you are releasing it, or it can be bullet points. The style of this is up to you - this is your ritual, do what feels right for you! It can be as plain or as decorative as you want it to be. If you want to use different colour pens or draw on it, then do so.
(for examples of 'Release Lists', check out the Full Moon Ritual photo album on facebook - Angelic Messages With Attitude).
After you feel your list is complete, read what you have written and either crumple, rip it or fold your list up.
Go outside where your burnproof container is and place a tealight candle in it or simply set fire to your paper, ensuring it is completely burnt and released.
Sometimes when we are reluctant to release a fear or belief, the paper may be stubborn about accepting the fire. Be persistent! Alternatively, sometimes we are really ready to let go of what is on the list, it burns fast and furious.
While standing, take a few moments to take a deep breath in and imagine a pure clear golden light entering through your crown chakra and then notice how, with each breath you take, it fills your body completely. Visualise it moving down through your head, neck and shoulders, down your arms and into your hands and fingertips. Feel it filling your heartspace, your torso as it goes down through your legs, into your feet and toes
As you breathe out feel your old emotions, beliefs and fears exiting through the soles of your feet and/or streaming out from your fingertips and going deep into the earth, where they can be filtered and cleansed by nature. (You can imagine these as a different colour, but it isn't important)
Soon the gold light is streaming through you and instead of going into the ground it comes up and creates a bubble of crystal clear gold light around you.
By doing this, you are acknowledging what you have just done, imprinting your intent so the universe, your guides and especially you, know you are ready to release and renew. It is up to you whether you scatter or bury the ashes or just chuck them in the bin.
Working on ourselves in this way and with the energy as well as our emotions, can leave us a little depleted. So, before you tidy up, sit with your treat (great to do as you admire the beauty of the full moon!).
If you don't notice the change straight away, don't panic, it may take a little while. Some people feel instantly different while others notice a gradual transformation.
When releasing entrenched fears, beliefs and energy, sometimes it is a good idea to smudge your home and self. However, this is an optional .
If you have any questions, please contact me through the comments, through my facebook page or vis [email protected].
Full Moon! Blessings to you all!
with love respect and integriy