Have you ever watched one of those programmes or movies that have transformers or a super hero that transforms as he/she walks/runs to the scene of the crime?
Well, this is how I view shielding myself whenever I am heading towards a negative situation/energy or people. Where I work it can sometimes be an extremely negative environment.
Each morning as I am walking up the corridor to work, I visualise some heavy duty armour coming down over me, to help retain my positive way of being, peace and harmony.
Then I imagine mirrors appearing and tilting upwards all around me, to deflect any negative energy up to the ethers where it can be filtered, cleansed and returned (fit for human consumption).
I then see myself stepping into a wonderful bubble of protection, to avoid any stagnant or negative energy 'sticking' to me. I can send loving/positive energy outward, but nothing can enter unless I allow it.
Lastly I visualise a beautiful gold beam coming down through my crown chakra, to enable me to say and do the right things to those around me.
So, if you have watched one of those movies, imagine me walking down the corridor saying 'Armour! Mirrors! Bubble! Connection!' Then I take a deep breath and smile. I am ready to start my day.
In the beginning I used to visualise quite elaborately, but I have been doing this so long, I now only need the words to create what I need.
You can do this too, as you walk to work, as you go to open the door for negative visitor, when you are in a negative situation. It is never too late, so if you forget, you can do it anytime, even after you have found yourself surrounded by negativity. (in which case, I would turn on the internal suction in your bubble that will expel it out to the ethers)
Remember to have fun with it, don't see it as something serious and ritualistic. Just allow it to be. Allow yourself to transform yourself in 4 easy steps and know that you are protected and connected as a result. xx
PS. The only weapon I have is my heartspace....I send love, peace and harmony energies at all who need it.... ♥
with love, respect and integrity
Cherei xx
Well, this is how I view shielding myself whenever I am heading towards a negative situation/energy or people. Where I work it can sometimes be an extremely negative environment.
Each morning as I am walking up the corridor to work, I visualise some heavy duty armour coming down over me, to help retain my positive way of being, peace and harmony.
Then I imagine mirrors appearing and tilting upwards all around me, to deflect any negative energy up to the ethers where it can be filtered, cleansed and returned (fit for human consumption).
I then see myself stepping into a wonderful bubble of protection, to avoid any stagnant or negative energy 'sticking' to me. I can send loving/positive energy outward, but nothing can enter unless I allow it.
Lastly I visualise a beautiful gold beam coming down through my crown chakra, to enable me to say and do the right things to those around me.
So, if you have watched one of those movies, imagine me walking down the corridor saying 'Armour! Mirrors! Bubble! Connection!' Then I take a deep breath and smile. I am ready to start my day.
In the beginning I used to visualise quite elaborately, but I have been doing this so long, I now only need the words to create what I need.
You can do this too, as you walk to work, as you go to open the door for negative visitor, when you are in a negative situation. It is never too late, so if you forget, you can do it anytime, even after you have found yourself surrounded by negativity. (in which case, I would turn on the internal suction in your bubble that will expel it out to the ethers)
Remember to have fun with it, don't see it as something serious and ritualistic. Just allow it to be. Allow yourself to transform yourself in 4 easy steps and know that you are protected and connected as a result. xx
PS. The only weapon I have is my heartspace....I send love, peace and harmony energies at all who need it.... ♥
with love, respect and integrity
Cherei xx