The night after a Full Moon is a great time to set our intent for abundance, in whatever form we would like it to appear in our lives. Last night we were encouraged to release what was holding us back, tonight we look at what we want to attract instead.
Today, write a list of what you want in your life. Remember to be specific. I did this once, asking for an amazing job and forgot to put that I would get paid...so guess what happened....?! :-P
Anyway, back to what you need to do. If you are developing a new business, then gather up cards, flyers, bank statements, or anything that will pinpoint the energy we are attracting. If it is a love interest and you have their photo, then use that. If not, a piece of paper with their name on it will do the trick. If you want a loving relationship, again, write a list. Cut a picture out of a magazine that portrays what you want, if you like. The only limits are the ones you create. (In saying that, make sure your intent is focussed on something attainable, being the first person to land on Jupiter may be a little difficult to manifest!)
As you write, draw, gather or cut, feel the energy of what you want and how you will feel when it happens. It is the energy you are infusing these items with that will be helping attract it into your life.
If you can, buy or find a green candle. Size isn't important, any kind of candle will do. If you can't get your hands on a green candle, that's okay. (I'll explain in a minute)
Find a place where you can put your list, pictures, etc. Later tonight go to that spot and place your items there, light your candle and know that you are stating your intent and asking the Universe to assist you in attract abundance into your life. You don't have to say anything, this is a personal choice, but do spend a brief moment in time watching the candle and looking at those items, feeling the energy of it already happening.
Not all of us can see the moonlight, so if you place the intent that the moon can see it, then that is the truth of the matter! Intent is Everything!
Now if you didn't find a green candle, before you light it, visualise it bathed in a green glow. As I said before, Intent is Everything!
Your candle can burn for as long as you feel it needs to do. There is no appointed time, we are all different. If you decide to put it out, remember to say 'Thank you!'
If you decide to let it burn right down, remember to say 'Thank you!' as you pack up your items.
*Mummy warning: Please be careful where your candle is placed, watch out for hot wax and don't play with matches* ☺
Happy Abundance Night to you all!
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx
Today, write a list of what you want in your life. Remember to be specific. I did this once, asking for an amazing job and forgot to put that I would get paid...so guess what happened....?! :-P
Anyway, back to what you need to do. If you are developing a new business, then gather up cards, flyers, bank statements, or anything that will pinpoint the energy we are attracting. If it is a love interest and you have their photo, then use that. If not, a piece of paper with their name on it will do the trick. If you want a loving relationship, again, write a list. Cut a picture out of a magazine that portrays what you want, if you like. The only limits are the ones you create. (In saying that, make sure your intent is focussed on something attainable, being the first person to land on Jupiter may be a little difficult to manifest!)
As you write, draw, gather or cut, feel the energy of what you want and how you will feel when it happens. It is the energy you are infusing these items with that will be helping attract it into your life.
If you can, buy or find a green candle. Size isn't important, any kind of candle will do. If you can't get your hands on a green candle, that's okay. (I'll explain in a minute)
Find a place where you can put your list, pictures, etc. Later tonight go to that spot and place your items there, light your candle and know that you are stating your intent and asking the Universe to assist you in attract abundance into your life. You don't have to say anything, this is a personal choice, but do spend a brief moment in time watching the candle and looking at those items, feeling the energy of it already happening.
Not all of us can see the moonlight, so if you place the intent that the moon can see it, then that is the truth of the matter! Intent is Everything!
Now if you didn't find a green candle, before you light it, visualise it bathed in a green glow. As I said before, Intent is Everything!
Your candle can burn for as long as you feel it needs to do. There is no appointed time, we are all different. If you decide to put it out, remember to say 'Thank you!'
If you decide to let it burn right down, remember to say 'Thank you!' as you pack up your items.
*Mummy warning: Please be careful where your candle is placed, watch out for hot wax and don't play with matches* ☺
Happy Abundance Night to you all!
with love, respect and integrity
Cherie xx